Children’s Privacy Notice

Keeping your information safe

About your information…

There are rules on how to keep personal information safe and how it can be shared.  These rules are in the new law, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  This document tells you about why we need your information and what we are going to do with it.

Storey Arms is part of Cardiff Council, so we work with your information in the same way as the Council would.

What information do we need from you?

Before your trip to the Centre, we need to know some information to keep you safe and to help you have the best time with your friends:

  • your name
  • your address
  • your date of birth
  • emergency contact details
  • medical issues
  • doctor’s contact details
  • dietary needs

We may also find out information from

  • your school
  • your parents

Why do we need your information?

When we have all this information about you, we can

  • make sure all your information is right
  • help decide on the best support and help you during your time with us, out on activities or at meal times
  • help you, if you have an accident

When we share your information

We make sure we keep it safe and we follow the rules set out in the law

Sometimes we may have to share your personal information to

  • other Storey Arms staff
  • with your teachers and school
  • Cardiff Council Health and Safety Team
  • doctors and nurses, if you do have an accident
  • supporting services who will help to keep you safe, if we feel you are at risk

How do we keep your information safe?

The people at Storey Arms and Cardiff Council who see your information, have a responsibility to keep it safe.  So if we do have to share your information, we will

  • tell you why we need it
  • only ask for what we need
  • let you know if we share and whether you can say No
  • not keep your information for longer than we need it
  • keep it safe!

Your rights

You have the right to

  • see any information we have about you
  • ask us to change any information you think is wrong
  • ask us not to share your information (but not when we need it to get you support or keep you safe)
  • ask us to remove information from our systems
  • only ask for what we need

You can complain if you think we are not respecting your rights.

There is an Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) to help.

More information

Thank you for reading this!

If you want to know more, then contact

Data Protection Officer
County Hall
Atlantic Wharf
Cardiff Bay
CF10 4UW


You can also contact

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

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